Saturday, July 14, 2007


So there was a spider hanging over some flowers in Wal-mart today... and it was orange. Tiny, but creepy as hell to look at.

I took a stick and slowly started moving towards it. The fucking thing attacked first.

Scared the shit out of me. I seriously screamed right in front of everyone in the store... dropped the stick and all. Yeah... was a good time.

Completely un-WoW related, but I thought you all should hear this. :D


Jagoex said...

Spider > Warlocks?

Arydan/Impervious said...

LOL what a girl.

Jezzastipsy said...

<3 email me, ny address is on my blog. miss you.

Jesika said...

lawls, ary... what can i say. the fucker jumped at me. :D