Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lack of Sleep = Blog Post

So it's 6:42am and I cannot fall asleep. I'm starving for some reason. I attempted to go to bed around 3:30am and failed... so here I sit.

Gnome is 50% through 65 currently. I am pleased with the rate at which I've leveled her but at the same time, I feel I could have done it much quicker. Meh... taking time off to enjoy some RL hasn't been a bad thing.

I think since I've hit 63 I've started to come across a few people alliance side that are just fail at playing the game. This paladin for example, who has been 67 for at least the past 4 days, has shown up right behind me, and dove in to tag quest mobs that I had been clearing to. It's annoying, but funny at the same time. He'll seriously run in and pull 5 mobs with him, spam consecrate, and just heal tank shit. He will watch me clear into a building, then dive ahead to tag the quest mob. I find it fun to place Curse of Recklessness on all of the mobs he pulls because his hp suddenly starts to dive down much faster. Of course he'll bubble and the mobs drop to me, but I'll just have my void out to pick them up... run them back to his consecrate, and he'll proceed to spend 10 minutes killing these mobs. Mind you, I'm doing level 63 quests. I'm not sure why he's just now doing them... at 67, but congratz... you've stolen my mobs at least 4 times in the past 2 days.

To add to that, he was apparently in on an instance run with Blaw's alt one day. So I got to watch the pally in instance action. He was pretty epic... kept letting the tank die (He's holy specced with a mix of prot and who knows what gear, gg armory).

So yeah... it's fun trying to avoid this guy. Not really sure why he keeps appearing where I'm questing but hopefully I just level faster than him and move ahead of what he's capable of doing. He plays all of the damn time... so being stuck at 67 is impressive. He must spend a lot of the time he is online... just standing around waiting for someone to clear his way to some quest mobs. Pewpew.

Good news is... I have nearly all the mats banked for my Shadoweave gear at 70. I did the specialization quest today and made my first two pieces of Shadowcloth. Blaw has been making them on his alt for me for the past couple of weeks... so I have a stockpile of mats and this pleases me lots.

So yeah... good things happening with the rerolled warlock. It's been a trip playing Alliance so far... and I intend to raid some at 70, so we shall see how that goes.

In other WoW news... the ptr is out. I haven't downloaded it yet, but probably will. I'm not entirely sure what all is on there, but there are a lot of tweaks being made to current items... and then obviously some patches and changes. Check it out, I suppose.

I think I'm kind of sleepy now. I may go crash on the couch for a bit. Rawr.

p.s. - Jago... wtf update? Not sure where you're at buddy. Hope all is well.
And... Jezza returns home sometime tomorrow. Woot. I failed at 70 before he got back tho. >.>


EvilCheeseWedge said...

I think the most shocking thing about all of this is that there is a paladin that's more of a noob then Silvorius!!


Sin said...

I miss you.

Jesika said...

evil, lol... so mean!

gamble... I miss you more than you know. >.<

Sin said...

Thats the new blog, and you may be seeing me around on Alex very soon...zomg!

Sin said...

Sin = Gamble btw

Jesika said...

<3 psh, like I doubted it.

Jagoex said...

Glad to see ya creepin' on Lvl 70. And omg, what is it with those people that stalk and steal quest mobs? There's this one warrior Horde-side that keeps doing it to Glitz, and it's annoying as hell! Once I jumped onto my 'lock and killed everything over and over again until he just left. Nope, I had nothing better to do. =P

Sorry about the lack of updates. My comp and internet have been acting up big time lately. I just got back online today after my modem fizzled out on Tuesday, and it has been rather stable (until I logged into vent, of course). Should be around this weekend -- hoping to see ya hit 70 by then. Go go!

Jesika said...

Almost 67 after some instancing tonight. God... it feels like the first BC days with you and the guys hordeside. I've missed retarded ass 5 mans. :D

So... 70 should be coming along very soon. If anything, I'll sit down one night and just finish it up. <3

Jagoex said...

Gave the Ally 'lock a level today. Talked to Horde elsewhere. Eating a delicious lunch atm. Good day. ;)

vijai said...

it is nice.Never have I experienced a feeling of rightness when playing a game. World of Warcraft is one of those little, rare gems of pure gaming glory that people all over the world will never forget.

wow gold