Monday, October 1, 2007


So the guild is currently 1.5 boss encounters away from clearing all of the Burning Crusade content currently available.

We downed Mother Shahraz this past week (23% pre-nerf, so stfu) and the guilds been working on Illidari Council since. We have the pull down, now, and we had them to 5% once last night. Grr. I will say though, we did AMAZING considering we only had 7 healers. That was way too few for that encounter and I'm happy that the guild sucked it up and went for it anyways. If we kill them tonight, then all that's left is Illidan. Feels pretty strange to say we've almost beat game! hehe.

Illidari Council is a long and boring fight overall. I mean it's four mobs that share their health pool, similar to Twin Emperors. You have a Mage, Priest, Pally, and Rogue to deal with. The mage is tanked by a spell stealing mage, the priest has to be constantly interrupted and places melee/magic reflect shields on herself periodically... so you need both types of interrupts available. The pally hits for like 21k on cloth, and the rogue is the worst, probably. He does a poison attack that stacks and then Envenoms targets with the poison. Damn does it hurt! The trick to this fight... is getting the pull down and controlling your add. After that, it's all on the raid to avoid AoE spells that are constantly being thrown at us. Blizzard, Flamestrike, and Consecrate. It isn't hard... and it's a long fight. That's basically the gist of it, though. I won't give away all of our secrets. :)

Soooo... I have to miss the raid tonight, and will probably miss the kill. :( I hope the guild can do it though. It'll be awesome to come home to see them working on Illidan! All in all, I'm glad people are sticking together through all of the bullshit... it's nice to see things get accomplished, even if there are some pissy ass attitudes to deal with no matter what we're working on.


EvilCheeseWedge said...

Wow, it doesn't seem like you've been Ally-side for very long at all now and you're already almost to Illidan. Sure beats T4 dungeons, eh? Grats to you though... I want to see some screenshots of Illidan ASAP. =D

Jesika said...

:) they're in there working on Illidan as I type this... watching on Baz's screen.

They one-shotted Council tonight. Hooray!

and... i have like 20 days played time @ 70 on the gnome. I haven't been Ally that long ;)

Jagoex said...


480 hours logged in, out of however many (can't be all that much), is still pretty significant.

Look forward to hearing about the fall of Illidan. :)