Wednesday, August 8, 2007

About time I updated I guess...

So the gnome has been 70 for a couple of weeks now and has had two Kara runs. She's gotten fairly lucky on drops... first week I believe she got opera wand, prince neck, moroes cloak, chess ring, and possibly something else.

This past weekend she got the shadow necklace, attumen gloves, wicked witches hat, and of course rep ring. I could be forgetting something but yeah. Lucky so far :)

Would prefer the T4 helm to go with the pants since the 2 piece bonus is nummy, but I can't complain at all atm. All I'm really lacking right now is a belt and weapon setup.

As far as the belt goes, there's an awesome crafted one I'm considering farming for... except that I haven't had tons of free time to do so. Other options is the one from High King, which is actually very similar to the crafted one. I mean it's not too much worse, so I'd take it. With weapons, I passed on the Curator staff because I want to go with a 1h OH combo. Netherspite and Nightbane both drop good OH's... and Prince and Gruul both have 1Handers. Hopefully the guild decides to run Gruul's this week... and hopefully I can get into a decent Kara group on Saturday. We'll see :)

I officially got promoted to a Pledge last night therefore I'm actually allowed to raid now. Due to an influx of lock recruits I got put on hold, basically, regarding my status. Which was fine considering I was a reroll and it was friends that weren't warlocks that convinced me to do so. Everything will work out though... if anything, I'll just let the other locks do their thing and let the Class Lead sort it out, then worry about raiding. I'm happy just getting the chance to raid once in awhile... because I miss it. Some people are satisfied pvping or otherwise in WoW... but I play it to raid. I hate pvp ultimately and I just really want to be with friends and working on new content every week. I'm glad I have that here.

Anyways... it's terribly hot irl right now. Like 100+ every day... which is unusual for Ohio. It's too hot to really enjoy long spans of time outside and that makes me a sad panda. I have a litter of 5 kittens that I have to watch carefully at the moment because they aren't taking to the heat well. I have to give them all a dose of vitamin supplement each day and tend to other things that come up. I love doing it... because I love animals and it's my job... but this heat is even getting me every time I'm out with them. Lol. I had to babysit this past weekend some and just wow... I really suck with kids,lol. Like diaper changing... so fail. I'll stick with raising cats and finding them homes :D


EvilCheeseWedge said...

Aw, glad to hear the Gnome is getting the gearz! So how is it raiding without leading? I would think that would have to be an extremely different change of pace... glad you're enjoying it, though.

I have to agree. Raiding is what really keeps me sticking around too... raiding with friends is entirely ftw. I'm so glad to see you can do that now without nearly as much bullshit as you had to deal with Horde side. It's seriously seems like a different game Ally side!

And yes, it is hot... too hot imo! It's midnight, I just got out of my car, and my car said it's still 80 degrees out! I mean c'mon... 80 at midnight? Screw. That.

I hope your kitties make it. I <3 kitties ;)

Jesika said...

Yeah, it's different not raid leading... but in the best way. After leading raids, I have total respect for any raid leader that can lead a guild to get shit done... because it isn't easy and it's stressful as all hell.

I do, however, say what needs to be said... either to the other locks or in response to a shadow priest bitching about curse of shadows when there are 2 locks in the raid... and I'm amping a Doom for the first 60 seconds. Lol. Good times :)

Yeah, was expecting a low of 76 here tonight? WTF?

and... kitties are doing great considering the heat. Want one? =p

Jagoex said...
