Sunday, August 12, 2007


So in case anyone was wondering why I haven't been online for the past few days: My video card took a shite the other day just when the raid started. Woot >.> Anyways, bought a new card.. installed, but the computer is running like shit. Still working on that part. The power dimmed and went out during a storm which led to my computers demise... so any number of things could have gone wrong when this happened. Oh wells... such is life.

Without WoW to occupy my time I haven't been up to a whole lot. Okay, so I lied. I found plenty of shit to fill my time with. Shopping, for one, even though I never buy anything. Spending more time with Oliver and the Kittons... umm... just being outside more than usual. It's been super hot out, so I can't say I enjoy being in th sun, persay, but fresh air... or city air even... is nice once in awhile. Things haven't been all peachy tho... one of my kittons died a few nights ago. I'm assuming from heat exhaustion and dehydration. I did all I could to attempt to get him fluids and I've been giving the bunch a vitamin supplement daily... but the little runt just couldn't make it, I guess. :( He was a sweetie so this saddens me, but that's part of life, right? Pathetic to think that I can enjoy playing a game in which I slay anything from bunnies to dragons as well as other players... and yet I cry when a kitton dies. Guess I'm a softy afterall. Shh, don't tell.

My birthday is on Saturday. 21. Good... Bad? I dunno. Nothing really that special about it except that hopefully I stand a better chance at getting a job. White Russians? Oh yes, there will be. But since when is that so new? Hahaha.

So... here's to my computer working again, warm summer days, healthy kittons, and a happy birthday to myself and the few who share theirs this week with me.


Jagoex said...

Oh nice. Happy B-day in advance. Don't get too smashed. :)

What're your plans? What's the Blawle-boy planning on doing for ya?

Jesika said...

lol birthday was fun. went out with some family, actually, then drank later that night.

we had gone out to dinner earlier in the week as a sort of thing for both our birthdays, jag. =p