Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I've been running heroics on a daily basis with my friends as of lately and I must say the difference between Horde and Alliance, in heroic instances alone, is huge. Not that we were terrible at heroics hordeside... I can remember running them with Krarr, Blawle, Jago, and Lycanno... and having tons of fun. But when that group started to fall apart, we really didn't run heroics anymore... so I just never bothered to see that aspect of the game, honestly. It wasn't worth it to try and PuG anything because well... the incompentancy of the horde running shit on regular mode was bad enough. I wasn't taking any chances.

So... I must say heroics aren't anything special, but with the right gear they go just as quickly as anything on regular mode. It's kind of like mini-raiding farmed content. I'm having fun... blahblahblah. I'm 7 tokens from the Icon trinket. After I pick that up, I dunno what I'll spend my tokens on. Possibly nethers so that I can craft the epic spell damage patches for golds. :D

Blawle has been playing his mage a lot with me and it's a lot of fun farming together. Warlock/Mage combos are pretty fucking leet. We farmed a ton of Scryer Rep last week together and it took practically no time at all. He even got the enchant formula for Intellect to Weapon. Pewpew.

Friends make the game. If it weren't for the people in WoW that I consider friends, I'd be playing something else. It's not the raiding for me... it's not progression or even gear. It's just being around people I like playing the game with. I miss the fuck out of my horde friends... but it wasn't a comfortable place for me to continue playing on... and thankfully I had a few good Alliance friends as it was. It hasn't been easy rerolling... but I have enjoyed it overall. I think the worst part is merely that I was so far behind in gear, but I've made it fun for myself to work on my gear outside of raiding... because fuck knows I'm not getting anything from raiding anytime soon. Haha. My most recent upgrades are Curators staff, Belt of Blasting, and the Exalted Scryer shoulder enchant. It's simple stuff but the gnome is finally sitting in some decent gear that gives her enough health for BT encounters without subbing in too many crap stam pieces.

I've been listening to a lot of Rise Against and Say Anything as of lately. Ooh.. and H.I.M. Anyone have any new suggestions?


Jagoex said...

Mindless Self Indulgence. Sonic Syndicate. Both not bad.

And zomg, I miss those days Lycanno would tank an entire heroic mob to our DoTS. We had such an amazing thing going -- it's a shame it didn't work out. It would have been grand.

Oh, and I've seen Krarr PvPing his Warrior recently and on more than one occasion. Makes me sick to my stomach, to be honest.

EvilCheeseWedge said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. I really enjoyed when we'd raid, and then me, and Vende, and Maj, or whoever would run instances after that... even if it was enjoyable because of how terribly they failed (and I'm sure you remember from the few times you got dragged in hehehe) but it was a lot of fun. I haven't gotten to do stuff like that in quite a while, or even hop on Vent to just chat. Running heroics Hordeside is just frustrating imo and I really don't do it much. Honestly, I think it’s probably been about a month since I’ve even been in a level 70 man heroic or non. Go me!

Arydan/Impervious said...

jesus girl, I really need to send you some tunes via aim sometime. :P

Jesika said...

Lycanno was THE SHIT. GOD I MISS THAT KID. Seriously... when we all first got 70... was fucking amazing watching him tank. I don't even know what was going on half of the time, we just made it work. Miss those days like you wouldn't believe.

As far as Krarr pvping going... he wasn't a tank before we grabbed him up =p

When Zul'Aman comes out, wanna heal us? Lol. Blaw and I may make a hordeside appearance for a few days to tackle the new content like old times.

Please do. I don't have enough cuddle time with you in-game alone, anyways. ;)

Jagoex said...

I'm more disgusted that he's actively playing his Warrior again than that he's PvPing. I always knew he was around on alts even after he said he was not playing anymore -- this was just a reminder of his complete and utter selfishness (that eventually ended our run).

EvilCheeseWedge said...

omg! hell yeah I want to heal you guys <3

Krarr said...

To Jago- hope you read this. I was never on goddamn alts unless they were guilded alts, and then you all knew I was on. I never lied to any of you. I'm on a lot again now because I'm UNEMPLOYED again. Enjoy rubbing that in and being pissed at me for getting laid off now that the busy season is over. So yes, I'm playing a toon I pay 15 bucks a month for again. No, I'm not tanking, because you can't exactly tank in pvp.