Thursday, December 27, 2007

Long time, no post.

A lot has changed since I last posted. Well, not really... but enough to make an impact.

I've been working tons more than I used to and I'm mostly happy about that. Money is money, job is a job... and WoW is not a job therefore it never made me any money... and that's why it's not a priority. :D

Anyways, the gnome lock and a horde alt I'd started awhile ago are gone from Alex. I'm sure those who read this noticed as much already. Anyone that I cared to inform of where they are and that sort of thing has already been informed, so if you don't know.. then I doubt I really care for you to know! :p

I'm happy where I am with them. I barely play, though. Just no time and a general lack of motivation most of the time. I spent a lot of time running heroics on the gnome for awhile, though... had fun with that. I finally ran ZA on her... so I've cleared that place, wasn't overly impressed. I did manage to summon a Doomguard upon killing Zul'jin though. Hahahaha... always a good time! No, I'm not in a raiding guild - lol. I didn't have to be to get in on the run... I have no intentions of ever raiding full-time, again. Doubt I'll even attempt some sort of part time schedule... I'm pretty happy with running stuff once in awhile if invited without any expectations.

I see Jago quit playing a bit ago. Good for him. :) I'm guessing he isn't alone but I haven't stayed in touch with too many of the people I used to play with. As it stands, I'm still not entirely quitting... but I haven't been in the mood to play in awhile. Not a bad thing... breaks are never a bad move.

Moderation, with anything, is the only way to keep it fun. ;)


Jagoex said...

Amen to moderation. /cheers

Anonymous said...

heya jade! nice seeing u in if /grin
you almost killed me!

Joe Arnet said...

ahh and yeah that was me, fae

Jesika said...

Hehehehehe. Yeah, I knew it was you :D

I figured I'd make the most of still having someone on Alex to play with. I almost had all you suckas :p

Poor low lvls dont stand a chance when they zone out in the middle of that Seed of Corruption spam, though.
