Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back to the Blog

So it's been awhile since you've all had the pleasure (or dissatisfaction as the case may be) of my blogging habits to entertain you. A lot has changed since you've all last heard from me, including my blog address. I must say, change is certainly not a bad thing some of the time. In this instance, it's definitaly been for the best.

To bring my readers up to date without spending an hour typing it all out, simply put, I no longer run Prom Kings and the guild no longer raids. I am also no longer playing World of Warcraft on my warlock known as Jaderosen. If any of you paid attention to any of the WoW blogs that spun off of my own, you may already know a few sides to what happened. I haven't spoken out about what happened until now, and even now I don't intend to dwell on what's already long in the past.

If you want to know a little more, read ahead. If not, the above summarized all I could possibly say on the matter.

What happened to Prom Kings?

After weeks of working hard with the same fifteen or so members, I came to realize that I was fighting a losing battle when it came to recruitment. I devoted more than any human should to the game and things outside of it in the attempt to recruit players so that I could progress my guild into 25 man content on a consistant basis. I began to notice that some of the transfers I'd talked into coming to the realm for PK were ending up elsewhere before I even knew they'd made it to the server. A few of my own members had either stopped logging in for the most part or had moved on. (Or at least hinted that they were ready to.)
It was all downhill.
The few reliable and hardcore members of the guild that stuck through everything were amazing. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to raid with those guys and I hope that they're finding a new place that is fun and welcoming to them. If not, I hope they realize that this is just a game and that no matter what, they aren't stuck where they are.
I won't say much regarding the faction as a whole because there isn't a point to QQ about it. I did the best I could with what I was given. PK was amazing while we lasted and I'm sad that it's over, but it had to be. We had good times, but I would have felt guilty passing on the job of leading the guild to anyone else. If I felt there was a chance to revive things, I wouldn't have made the choice to let us all move on. It was a bittersweet breakup, to say the least.

Just to clarify:

The Prom Kings guild is still existant. I didn't disband it and I never made anyone leave. I simply stated to the guild that we'd no longer be raiding and that if they wanted to raid, they'd have to look elsewhere. I did not transfer Jade off the server and most likely never will. I didn't end things so that I could disband and go join up with some SSC clearing guild on another server. I'm still occasionally on Jade to do arena with some old friends and such, so you may even be able to catch me around if you're lucky. :)

Outside of arena on Jade a few times a week, I'm happily giving the other side a chance. Before I was Jade, I leveled a human paladin to level 48. At the time the Alliance were a horrific cluster of 13 year old children and 22 year olds that acted 13. I grew tired of it fast hence why I rerolled Horde. Now, as I did years ago with my pally, I've simply moved on and decided to try the other side. I must say, the Alliance aren't half bad these days. I think a majority of the Alliance retards rerolled as Horde when Burning Crusade was released, and with that some of the more intelligent Horde have crossed over from the darkside of WoW. But that's for another entry, possibly my next.

Hai2allofu again. :D


Jagoex said...

Props to whoever gave you the blogging idea.

A mountain of men.

Jagoex said...

Wait, I think I meant "a mountain AMONG men." Yes.

Arydan/Impervious said...

Who said anything about men?

Jesika said...

<3 Ary.

Hai2u Jago. =p

Jagoex said...

You two like girls. Therefore, you're technically guys, which makes any guy that is with either one of you a homosexual.

Tell Blawle he needs to dress the part better. XD

EvilCheeseWedge said...

Welcome back! =D

Jago, this typo reminds me of when you said, "I'm gonna hop on Jago for a sex." I mean, why else would you hop on him?

Your typos are ftw.